Special Offers

English Courses at Galway Cultural Institute

Explore our English courses

General English Afternoon 

We offer a discounted price for all General English courses booked for the afternoon timetable. By choosing to study in the afternoon, you save 20% on the regular morning prices turning the GE PM courses into a more affordable option. Same facilities, same teachers, same classrooms, same SMART technology. You can relax and sleep in!

General English PM 20 lessonsTimetable 
All Year Around
(subject to availability) 

€200 / week NOW €180 /week*

Mon - Fri 13.30 - 16.45 

*10% discount applicable to General English PM 20 lessons, course start dates before 30.06.2025. Applicable for new bookings only. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other offers. Once booked, a course cannot bepostponed outside the promotion dates with the same offer applied.

Study Abroad Year Special Offer 

The SAY programme is specifically designed for students outside the EEA who wish to develop their skills and fluency in English and enjoy a unique experience of living and studying in Galway. SAY programme consists of 25 weeks tuition and 8 weeks holidays and it gives students the opportunity to work part-time while studying.

Work & Study Programme for Non-EEA Students

Price for 25 weeksTimetable
20 lessons/week
€3,95009.00 - 12.30
20 lessons/week
€3,300 now €2,970 SAVE €330*13.30 - 16.45
25 weeks tuition + 8 weeks holidays

20 lessons /week of Intensive General English + Exam Preparation (can be Cambridge or IELTS) 

SAY is suitable for any level & attendance is obligatory but failure to have 85% attendance may result in your visa being withdrawn

Students are allowed to work part-time(20 hrs/week) while studying

Students are allowed to work full time(40 hrs/week) during the holidays in July, August, December

Timetable is subject to change depending on availability

Reductions in the number of lessons of a chosen course or change one course for another etc. do not apply

Books & materials, registration fee, etc. are not included in the price

*10% discount applicable to Study Abroad PM 20 lessons, course start dates before 30.06.2025. Applicable for new bookings only. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other offers. Once booked, a course cannot bepostponed outside the promotion dates with the same offer applied.

Read more about the Study Abroad Programme here.
