Travelling and Holidays
Study Abroad Programme - Course Holidays
Key Info:
- SAY learners have 25 weeks of classes and 8 weeks of holidays.
- 2 weeks are allocated for Christmas as appropriate. Summer holidays are allocated in July or August as appropriate.
- All other holidays are allocated at the end of your course.
- Holidays may not be front loaded & are not typically permitted in the first 12 weeks of your course.
- Other holiday weeks must be requested in advance by emailing
- When you take a holiday week, your attendance is not affected negatively and you do not attend classes.
Requests for leave for learners on courses of 25+ weeks must fulfil one or more of the following criteria:
- Leave must be for a minimum of 1 full week. Leave must be taken in full week blocks from Monday to Friday (not Wednesday to Wednesday for example).
- Exam course start dates – leave can be requested so that a learner may avail of the opportunity to follow their preferred exam course as all exam courses are date specific.
- To take leave for holidays, learners must have completed a minimum of 12 weeks of English Language.
- Requests at least 2 weeks before your intended leave date with supporting information.
- Leave for illness, bereavement or family emergency. Leave on the grounds of religion or any of the other grounds under the Equality Act
- Leave that comes under the heading of pastoral care or other extenuating circumstances deemed pertinent by the DOS/ADOS and not covered in any of the above
- Leave will be denied if the request for leave does not fall into any of the above and is not deemed pertinent by the DOS / ADO
- If you are travelling outside of Ireland, you must provide your flight information attached to your request form.
- Requests for Leave will be either approved or denied and the learner will be notified by e-mail.
Please note:
When you are travelling outside of Ireland , you must ALWAYS bring these things to the airport:
- your flight information
- your original acceptance letter
- your GNIB card
- your passport
- your re-entry visa if applicable (outside Ireland including Belfast).
You should also bring any boarding passes of previous trips you have taken during your time in Ireland.